Fall/Autumn is by far my favorite season.
- It's not hot, but it's not cold. I love the brisk, cool air.
- Comfy clothes: hoodies and velour jogging suits. Can't get enough of them!
- I can still get away with flip flops on some days.
- Halloween festivities. Who doesn't love being creative and getting dressed up? And it's the one day of the year women aren't looked down upon (as much) for dressing slutty.
- Fall reminds me of good memories. Although I am no longer dating my first serious boyfriend, we started dating in the fall and had a blast.
- Thanksgiving. It's one of my favorite holidays. I love preparing and cooking for the holiday, spending time with the fam, and not having to worry about buying presents for anyone (However, my Nonna gives all of us money to buy our Christmas gifts). Oh, and not to mention the day before and after Thanksgiving (Black Wednesday - one of the biggest going out nights of the year; Black Friday - shopping and sales extravaganza!)
- It's freezing! Not to mention I work downtown right by the lake and it's always a million times colder there.
- Slush. When the snow gets all mooshy and dirty, slush is absolutely disgusting. Especially when you fall in it walking to the train and your toosh is wet the whole train ride home.
- Driving. It takes forever to warm your car up (unless you're a lucky bastard who has an automatic start). And it takes three times longer to get anywhere when it snows or there are icy roads.
- You don't get snow days when you're an adult.
- You're broke from buying Christmas presents.
- You can't wear flip flops anymore and are subject to wearing big, bulky jackets.
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